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THE SAN SAN TRILOGY w/ Justin Lowe and Jonah Freeman


The San San Metroplex is an urban corridor that exists along the coast of California. It is based on an idea put forth by futurist Herman Kahn in his 1967 book The Year 2000. He speculated that the coastal area between an Diego and San Francisco would grow into one giant metropolis. This never happened. Lowe and Freeman have taken this veritable fiction, and made a trio of films: The Floating ChainScenario in the Shade and Mercury City. These works take the form of faux ethnographic cut up narratives illustrated through a series of props, environments, and pictures, and architectural models. The aesthetic is inspired by the surrealistic banality of a breakfast cereal commercial. The physical location is the placeless and timeless location of “the set”.

Freeman and Lowe will be in attendance at the screening, which will be live-scored by Matt Sweeney and Jesper Eklow of Endless Boogie.